Thursday, November 13, 2014

We Were Soldiers

I had always liked war movies, and have seen most of them. Mine is the generation that saw all Hollywood movies based on WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, the Afghan War and Iraq Wars. I have watched We Were Soldiers many times since my childhood. But something that has struck me the most is the preferential treatment given to Chris Klein in the movie.

So what he died during the battle in La Drang. Scores of other men died too. Why wasn't Colonel Moore emotional about them too. And what was that crying in the end was all about. You went to battle and you knew people would die. Then why cry Galloway and Moore? You invaded the Vietnamese and then cried for your dead.

All I saw was over-amplified emotions for a baseless cause!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Chinese Threat - Clear and Present Danger

As if Islamic terror was not enough, the Chinese threat is now becoming clear and present! China is upping the rhetoric in the wake of our PM's US visit. But then I read about this report that was created by Retd. Maj. Gen. GD Bakshi some time ago in which he claimed that China will attack India in September 2014. His report was shunned down then (as I read somewhere), but now it seems to be of serious importance to us. This is September 2014 and China already has 500+ troops on Indian soil and Xi Jinping has just today called on the PLA to prepare for a "regional war."

China has nothing to loose in a war with India, but we have a lot to loose. China doesn't care about its own people and casualties. Economy? They can rebuild it in a few years. But that is not the situation with us. Thus, it will not be a surprise if the "chin-pong-lees" enter Ladakh and Himachal with their few infantry divisions.

Namo is a big threat to China's prospects of becoming the biggest player in Asia because if he remains here for another 10 years, India will become a superpower. Attacking India at that time will not be a fruitful proposition. In other terms, this is the best-possible time for China to attack India and put it back by 20 years.

We must address that we are weak and cannot face a Chinese onslaught. The Chinese onslaught onto American forces in Korea during the Korean War is a good example. It is a fierce army and we are relatively "soft" compared to them.

All that said, it doesn't mean that we don't have any answer to the dragon's threat. The immediate step we take is to place a massive order for Tanks, Artillery units and Ammunition (endless ammunition). China has an endless supply of infantry and we can build the perfect answer to it - endless batteries of artillery units that could continue pounding any invading infantry (or even armoured divisions) for months.

We must act now or else be ready to be whipped!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Cow

The Cow
The Cow
The Cow. She loves moving around without any cause. She has no other job but to churn up as much grass, leaves and twig skins as possible. The cow is one of the more peaceful domesticated creatures, but some of the members of this peaceful community could fancy being naughty at times. One of the grazing cows near my hometown stabbed a passer by human with her horns, resulting in his death. Somehow the owner waved off the case with money and the "naughty" cow is still grazing in the same locality without anyone feeling unsafe at all!

The cow is a good creature because she gives us milk and dung, both the products play an important role in our menu (no we don't eat dung, but we use it as manure for growing better food). 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

ISIS, The US Intentions and World War III

In our age (those above their 30s), we have seen the Gulf Wars, Afghan Wars (including war on terror), the Eastern European wars (Yugoslavia, Serbia......), the collapse of the USSR, the almost daily skirmishes and civil wars in Africa, the Syrian conflict between the government of Assad and the rebels, the Indo-Pak brief war of Kargil, the periodic firings at the Indo-Pak border and many other similar events including terror attacks around the world. 
Now Terror has a Coat of Arms Too

The ISIS offensive in Iraq is something unique and not something that we can pass over as in the case of the other wars of the Gulf. It has the elements and developments that could trigger the beginning of the World War III that could pull almost all the nations. If the unfortunate event gets triggered somehow, it will not just pit religion against religion, but it could create a frenzy where everyone could be fighting for the last massive oil reserves in the Middle East.

The situation created by ISIS in Iraq and nearby countries is grave and the US seems to be least interested in it. The US government has some cunning underlying objective and by staying away from the situation and letting ISIS spread, Obama seems to be fulfilling some notorious and poisonous goal. A look at the weapons and vehicles used by the ISIS indicate that somewhere they have a western source.

What is the Kingdom waiting for? More Death?

The UK on the other hand seems even less interested. When the filthy rich sit silent over such a grave situation, it is a sign that they are keeping their fingers crossed to wait and see in which direction the game falls or else it is a sign that they have some underlying intentions and actions behind the events.

The clear and present danger is to Asia and if this war is triggered it is going to massively affect the economic development of the third world countries. Well, doesn't the US want to curb the growing adventurous spirits of Russia too? There is something under the ISIS menace and the US is involved!

Vox offers deeper insights into where ISIS is coming from (Vox).

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Obama on Two Ferns and the Fox News White Gorilla

Prez. Obama appearing on Internet comedy series "Between Two Ferns" makes him something of a person who is easily accessible. Again this is something you cannot expect for the Republicans because they are from another planet.

And Republican TV and a quarter brain went crazy about it.

How do people put up with such a white gorilla! Why do those shootings take place in schools and not in Fox News offices. Don't Americans have guns for sensible purposes?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Why not low power, safe cars?

I have this sedan from an Indian automaker, and I keep guessing why cars are so powerful. Do we really need so much power and speed on our roads?

If road traffic accidents account for over 1.25 million deaths every year, there is something not right with our commutation systems. Reaching that destination fast is important, but not more important than our life and limbs!

Why don't we make low-power vehicles that don't cross the speed limit of 30 miles per hour (48 kmph) and reduce their horse power to dramatically? We won't do that! On the other hand, we are pulling it up to touch the upper limit!
If we don't want to create a safer world (for the thrill of it), there is again something very wrong with us! Are we civilized at all? Actually, we are living a lie!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What is life?

Isn't it fascinating, I got the chance to make it into this Universe; for this small window of opportunity in the 13 billion l.y. life of the Universe.

Our Vast Universe

Tomorrow I will be gone and the world will forget me. A few generations down the line, even my generations will forget me!

Its all a game. We are all here as part of the cosmic game. Creation, destruction, creation, again destruction.... and so on the process keeps on going. We are lucky to have taken shape in this human form, on earth, in our country, in our city, in our family. The next, our atoms may take shape in the form of something else.... part of star dust or part of another creature!

There is no God!

God? God is a lie for that feeling of safety! :)


Forrest Gump - 20 years ago!

Its so interesting that Forrest Gump was released 20 years ago, when I was 11 years old, and I never saw the movie yet despite always knowing that it was a great movie! (the movie having won so many Oscars)

Could never guess what is more important - emotions or remain cut off entirely from emotions? Perhaps its more important to maintain a balance between the two.

More fascinating is that T. Hanks is an old man now. Time passes by like anything. But he made some great movies over the decades. Didn't he?

It is good news that they are re-releasing Forrest Gump now. Check the news on HollywoodReporter.